Hannah Viczai
Hannah Viczai, Rapid Change, Acrylic on Cardboard with mixed media, 11”x11” (6.5” Radius/11” Diameter)
This work is meant to act as a representation of the potential we have to help heal the Earth and acknowledge the need for necessary changes as the Earth’s climate continues to warm due to greenhouse gases as a result of pollution - which envelopes the concept that if these problems continue to be ignored and not treated with the proper response, it could lead to a future of complete desolation.
My name is Hannah Viczai. I specialize in drawing and have worked extensively with realism. I appreciate structure and fine detail. My work stems from deeply afflicted feelings that derive from personal aspects and conflicts. I also draw in multiple different styles as a way of not only submerging myself into something new, but having a particular style or movement harmonize with said ideas. What I hope to achieve in my work is to express a part of me that nobody suspects, not even myself so that I too may be surprised with the result of my own creation. To capture a moment or a thought in a way that makes one question and ponder it themselves - the appearance of a shared understanding or misunderstanding.